After mixed feeding advice please

So i've decided that because i may have to return to work when my baby is 3 months old that i would rather bottle/formula feed. My husband wants me to atleast try breastfeeding but i just can't face the idea (that could change). Im thinking about expressing and bottle feeding for the first few weeks but im getting mixed advice and the health board where i live is very pro breastfeeding. Do i start expressing a couple of days before baby arrives or do i wait until she's here? Do i have to breastfeed her in the hospital even though this isn't what i want? Can i start her on formula straight away and continue trying to express for her with my pump? I just want whats best for my baby and my mental health (i do not function well when i start getting overwhelmed which is another reason for not breastfeeding) so any advive would be appreciated. I know breastfeeding is better but i am also fairly sure its not going to work for me. Just really wanting to understand how i can make this work for the first few weeks and slolwy wean off from there.