
I'm more than sure my other is cheating !

We can't conceive because we aren't having NEARLY as musch sex as the average couple or as much as my family and friends think 🤦‍♀️ I mean I'm ovulating for christ sake and I tell him and he just rather go out come home and sleep he doesn't even touch me except when I complain and then he says I'm tripping! 😩 like what ?!? I'm sorry for expecting to have sex more than 4x a month i fell so terrible especially when I'm sitting around talking to his parent s about "possible grandchildren" and they always ask "your not pregnant yet?" And I have this stupid look on my face ☹️ I just feel like 🙌🏽 I give up I mean I've tried it all and the only reason you aren't the least bit concerned is because someone else has your "time" or HIM for that matter 😢