Missed Miscarriage


I was diagnosed with a missed miscarriage on Friday. On the 27th I had my first ultrasound when I should have been 7+3, but the baby measured 5+6 with no heartbeat. We waited 10 days for a repeat to see change, but I already knew my fate after that first appointment. My second ultrasound showed the fetus was getting smaller and still no cardiac activity. This was our first pregnancy and first loss.

I'm giving my body a week to try and naturally take care of business, then I'm taking the medicine next weekend. I've been taking some herbs and supplements to hopefully get the process started. I'm incredibly hurt and lost, but at this point I'm frustrated that my body hasn't taken care of it because this is a month "lost" when we could have been TTC. I just want to start moving forward at this point. I am anxiously awaiting CD1 so that I get through this next cycle so we can start trying again. I never thought I'd have to go through this (although I'm sure no one ever does). It is heartbreaking. My good friend is currently pregnant and a month ahead of what I should be and I know three other people who are pregnant or just announced they are pregnant. It's so hard to be happy for others and not feel sorry for yourself.

For those who have suffered a missed miscarriage, how long did it take your body to realize it?