Pregnant && Kids after 3️⃣0️⃣


I have always told myself and my husband that I would bare as many children I can until I hit the age of 30 && then I would be completely done baring children. So that I may have time for myself to improve my body, mind, energy and time to raise our children. I have reached the age of 30 and has only given birth to 2️⃣ beautiful kids 🚹(4.5yrsOld) 🚺(2.5yrsOld) && because of my husband && I have always had trouble conceiving we never really thought of using any contraceptives. (How reckless of us)

🤔Can yu guys guess it?!?

I am a week away from being 31 years young😋 17 weeks pregnant🤰🏽(blessing) with a long ways to go.

This pregnancy has had me into my feelings, exhaustion, weak, forgetful, the whole nine yard with the pregnancy symptoms. I have never experienced these with my first 2. I know every pregnancy is carried differently. But I'm wondering if any Mothers out there have found it more complicated having their children(pregnancy perhaps after as well) after the age of 30? If so how? And if any continued to have more children after and did it get more complicated with age? My husband wants to continue to have more blesssings(baby's) But in experiencing with this one.. I'm contemplating to tie my tubes. But I'm worried that I will regret that decision?


(Sorry about the long story😜)