Elderly Advice

Lailla • 19, Muslim, Vegan and going to college! 😘🌳❤️

I work at a grocery store so I'd like some help to serve my elderly customers. I've noticed that they (more than others, but they are not alone) do not like that we took away the senior discount. The company did this, simply put, to make "prices so low they are like senior discounts for everyone". When I try to explain this, it upsets many. I believe it is due to the fact that it no longer is a) exclusive or b) have the word discount so they think they are paying more when it is the opposite. How should I try to explain this to them?

I've also noticed that the seniors tend to be upset with me when I talk to my bagger. I always give my best service but sometimes there is a "gap" and with anxiety, I try to fill it by talking to my bagger. Usually it is work related but today *after* talking work related to the bagger and acknowledging the customer (who otherwise ignored me) I asked the bagger is they saw the new Wonder Woman movie. Our customer looked up and said, "You realize you are at work right? Don't bring that feminist crap into work. Liberal..."

I realize that senior citizens are, and have been, going through a lot of hardship so I'm not mad at the comment— no matter how inaccurate and stereotypical it is. I really just want to know how to disable ugly feelings and awkwardness in these situations. I am new at my job and am excited to really assist!

Like I said, there are people across the board that act this way but it is 40+ that usually behave like this. If I can give a special discount or something... idk... I'd just like to help. Any advice on how to talk to the manager about special benefits for them?