Arthur William Ingram Harris was born on the 17th June at 15:01pm weighing a healthy 7lb 11oz

Arthur William Ingram Harris was born on the 17th June at 15:01pm weighing a healthy 7lb 11oz.

I had a very lengthy and stressful labour! I laboured at home for 48 hours before finally getting admitted into hospital. I did not sleep on both of those nights at home, for the whole duration I spent sat in a hot bath timing contractions. When I eventually got to the hospital I was 3cm and started out on gas and air in the birthing pool..

*24 hours later*

Still in the birthing pool and still trying to get to 10cm! The midwife FINALLY decided to break my waters and send me upstairs for some help as I was stuck at 8cm and exhausted. I was in so much pain by this point that I ended up having a spinal block to assist in my epidural as I couldn't keep still. I was then put on a drip to help aid my contractions to get me to 10cm otherwise I would need a ceseraian. Thankfully within the hour I was at 10!

Arthur was born with only 15 minutes of pushing. I did need to get cut to get him out as he was a big baby for my size! But I didn't feel a thing and Arthur was placed on my chest at 15.01pm.

We ended up being stuck in hospital for 2 weeks due to me catching sepsis during my lengthy labour and unfortunately Arthur was vulnerable to it also. But we are both home and healthy now and my baby is 3 weeks old now!