Gender Envy

Ttc baby #3 and desperately hoping for a boy this time. Don't get me wrong, I love my daughters and I wouldn't trade them for anything in this world! They're my babies and I'd give them my last breath. But I have wanted a boy my entire . I've always pictured myself as a mom to boys. My horrible step sister who didn't want kids has a 7 month old son and is due in October with another son 😒😒. My aunt who has never been married has 3 sons, the youngest is 4 months. I find myself so envious of them! I know so many women who have sons and they want daughters so bad and here I am, praying to finally have a boy! I feel bad for saying it because it makes it sound like I don't want my daughters and that's just not true. I love my babies with all my heart... I just really want a boy this time. 😢😔 Anyone else feel like this? Am I being silly? I don't let it eat me up or anything, I'm just so afraid I'll never have a son..