CD29 test


Hey ladies! This is my first time getting a faint line and I'm all excited and nervous. I was wondering if any of you ladies have experienced a faint line that led to a BFP.

My cycle is usually 28-29 days, but since we have been moving and all that craziness, my cycle is anywhere from 28-32 days. I have been having mild, on and off cramping since O and now a pinching feeling in my lower abdomen every so often (which I haven't felt before). Of course I have all other pms symptoms, so I won't mention that. Lol. *TMI warning* And I check my CP and CM daily, which is high, soft, and creamy. If anyone has had a similar situation, please let me know. I will test again in 2 days to see if there's a change and keep you updated.

I wish you all baby dust!