Help I'm kinda confused 🤷🏻‍♀️

Elizabeth 🌿 • Mrs 6 years❤️ • Mommy • 👧🏼 5/15/18 • 👶🏼 6/1/21

HELP ladies! I'm confused now. Currently I'm on CD 18 and my fertile window started on 7/2. I got ewcm on CD 13 and 14. I got a + OPK on CD 14/Thursday 7/6 and was so positive I ovulated CD 15/Friday 7/7. I had mild cramping on 7/7/CD 15 and 7/8/CD 16. I'm 3dpo today and started getting mild cramping again and had vvvvf white cm. I took another ovulation test today and there is vvvf line. Is this cramping my uterus preparing for baby and implantation? Please comment. Thanks ladies and baby dust!