So much loss...

In the span of barely a week I was told I was miscarrying, an amazing friend was killed in an accident, I underwent a D&C this morning, and now I've discovered that my aunt has been diagnosed with cancer and probably doesn't have much time left. I'm trying to be strong for my family and friends. I'm planning my friends funeral and scheduling more fertility appointments for the future, and trying to keep my family sane as they deal with my aunts cancer but I just feel so very broken from it all. 4 years ago my nephew died and the grief was so overwhelming I felt I was being physically crushed and that's how I feel again now. Like I can't get back on my feet because everything is too painful. I've dealt with more death and grief in my life then most people in their 20s so I know it'll get better with time I just hate hurting right now. I'm very lucky to have my husband, and kids, and amazing family and friends but I just hate unloading more pain on them when we are already all hurting so bad sonjust needed a place to come and let it out. If you read this far thank you. I'm not particularly religious but I'll be sending out positive vibes for any of you who may be dealing with loss in your life too. Much love.