Who else HATES plea deals???


I hate plea deals. I get why we have them, because trials are expensive, and some information is more important than the person or crime they committed. However nothing ticks me off more than when someone gets to rat someone else out for a lesser sentence even though they are just as guilty. Or when serial killers won't give out information where bodies are unless they can avoid the death penalty. Who else thinks, screw them! They lost

privileges of using leverage when they committed said crime. I know devils advocates will say well if you get the info and then take back the deal, then people will stop giving info and it would do more harm than good. I know pleas can take down drug king pins when they offer lesser sentences to lower people on the totem pole. I know some families of murder victims would rather get to bury their loved ones for closure. I understand some crimes would go unsolved without someone stepping forward. But it just gets under my skin. These monsters still get to have a say and exploit the system for their benefit down to the very end. Idk anyone else just hate that?? I suppose all in all pleas might be the lesser of two evils, but it still makes me sick.