Bullying and Being Rude


I wasn't exactly sure what page to post this on. This isn't my goal, but since I'm sure it's going to get some negative comments, I figured I would post it here. Since I have joined this app I have noticed SEVERAL Women bullying other women on this app. Like what?! Are you 7?? Seriously here, we're all supposed to be adults. We preach to her kids that you need to be nice to other people or not bully them. Well, if the parents are bullying other parents, how can we expect our kids to act any different. Kids learn by example, good or bad. If you want your kids to do good things and act right, have to show them how to do that. The amount of Women that bully other women on this app is absolutely appalling to me! And it's seriously disheartening! I've even seen it on the TTC page. I personally have not really had anybody bully me, but I have seen it happen to other people, and that page of ALL pages there should be absolutely, positively NO bullying!! A lot of those women have been trying to conceive for a very long time. Their self-esteem is down. When women bully somebody who's self-esteem is already down, that's just going to bring them down further. We need to stop bringing people down and start lifting people up. I'm so sick and tired of seeing everything negative all the time! And I know this is very post is negative, so that makes me a hypocrite, seriously here, people. Why can't we just give somebody encouragement that we know needs encouragement? Why can't we just lend an ear to somebody that needs an ear? A shoulder for somebody that needs a shoulder to cry on? Why can we not just depend on each other because for some women this app is the only place that they can talk to anybody about their problems. We need to be there for each other. Not be bringing each other down. -Rant over-

UPDATE: Someone told me that there could be a reason why somebody commented what they commented, and I understand that. There probably was a reason why they commented what they did. I'm not talking about those though. I'm referring to the ones that are just being rude, bullying others, and being downright hateful for no reason other than just to spread their nasty hate all over to make other people miserable just because they are.