Need advice.

So, completely embarrassing, but we moved into a new apartment a month ago. Since then, we have been dealing with a roach infestation. The complex is really nice, actually, and our friends a few buildings over have been here much longer with no issues. I am unsure if its dirty neighbors or the old tenants that caused the issue. In the 4 weeks we've been here, they have bug-bombed once (before i put my baby's stuff out) and sprayed twice. I demanded another unit today and there is nothing available. I am 20 days away from my due date. We are pretty much stuck here until a unit opens up or the extermination works. They gave us money back, and have the exterminator coming AGAIN today. He wants to do another bug bomb. He assured me that it will not harm my baby's items. I don't truly trust that. Some things I can cover (his clothes) but others like his swing, crib, pack n play... are much harder to "protect" from the spray. If he does this bug bomb, is it safe for my baby to be put in these things when he's born? His stroller, car seat... everything is out in his room. My SO is at work so I can't just move everything to my car. I already have to empty our kitchen cabinets alone. I might add, the bomb will be set off in the kitchen, not in but near his room. We don't ever see roaches anywhere besides the kitchen. I don't want to rewash 80+ newborn clothes again (but will if needed) and idk how to handle things not so easily washed (swing, car seat, stroller, PNP).

Please don't suggest we move to another complex. It's not an option and we have to play with the cards we're dealt. How would you handle the baby's stuff.. even if the exterminator says its just fine, I'm extremely skeptical.