Clean and chlamydia


So me and my now partner had chlamydia about 4 months ago. I broke up with him about 6 months ago so 2 months after the breakup we both started to have sex with other people. I got chlamydia and was treated and went back again for testing 3 weeks ago and I'm completely clean. He told me he felt he had a STD about 3 months ago and just told him to take the antibiotics and he'll be fine, (which I assume was chlamydia or gonorrhoea). We went back together and had sex last Friday. Today he texted me saying: Are you sure you're clean and didn't have sex with anyone?. I didn't have sex with no one. Not oral or anal or anything. I guess he didn't either. He said he might be just paranoid because it's hard for him to pee. He didn't pee after sex so I told him it's maybe a UTI. My question is, is it possible to get chlamydia just by dirty hands, fingers, mouth, etc.? We are both not infected but is it possible to get chlamydia without someone having it?