Jealous of my "SIL" 😔 RANT!

So this is going to be a long one.. sorry all.

I'm currently 20w5d pregnant wit my second son. We found out when I was only 5weeks so we have known for quite a while. I am on the bigger side but I'm ok with that. My brothers girlfriend has always been super skinny and again I have no problem with my body, but anyways sorry I'm rambling. I told my family around Easter of me being pregnant again (have an 18 month old) and they weren't very thrilled with the idea. They weren't rude per say but they weren't happy. Well it turns out that my brothers girlfriend is also pregnant. She told me before any parents or anything and I was ecstatic for them I truly was. But now I find myself so jealous. I'm due November 23rd.. she's due November 28th. I wanted a baby girl so bad because we already have our son.. well I'm having a boy, she's having the girl..she found out before me what she was having ( went to a place called Peek a Belly where they do gender ultrasounds to let you know early) I waited for my actual gender scan by my Dr. The reason I brought up the weight is because with her being skinny, you can actually tell she's pregnant, where as I just look like I'm getting fatter.. even my mother made the comment that " she actually looks pregnant, like you can see her bump".. and my family was so excited for them where as they weren't thrilled with me.. they have 2 sons so this will be their third.. my boyfriend has a daughter from a previous relationship and then our son so this will also be our third.. so why is my family so much more excited about her pregnancy then mine? I'm happy they are having another child, good for them!! But I can't help being jealous as well.. is this abnormal feeling or should I get over myself?? I mean, I know I should get over myself, be happy our family is growing. Maybe it's the hormones... ugh