Our nicu baby is finally coming home


Owen was born Jan 31, at 24 weeks gestation weighing only a pound and 6 oz. we have been through many bad days and many good days. From having a hernia removal surgery to casts on his legs. It is with great honor that our little boy Owen will finally be coming home. We have spent nearly 6 months in the nicu and close to 200 days. We never thought this day would ever come but now it's finally here. In two days my little boy will be coming home and starting his new journey. He now weighs 10 lbs and will be coming home on some oxygen support which won't be needed for very long. I never knew that having a baby so early was possible and I'm so blessed that Owen had beaten the odds. He's proven to the doctors that he's strong, tough and is truly a warrior. He wouldn't be where he is now if it wasn't for all the love thoughts and prayers from everyone. We thank all of you who had been following his journey from the beginning. When we got the call on Sunday saying he would be coming home, I fell to my knees & cried. But this time the tears were happy tears. Owen is truly a miracle and I'd be so lost without him. God is great. My advice to all nicu moms is this, be prepared for those crazy roller coaster rides, be prepared for the good and bad days, stay as strong as possible and just know that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. 💙🙏🏼