This is probably way TMI.. but.. we're all women here

Melanie • Mommy of 1 & expecting number 2💕

So... the moment I was waiting for since the doctors told my baby had no heartbeat happened... last night around 1 am I was passing blood clots huge blood clots but had been passing them all day I thought nothing of it.... I then felt something heavy in my pad... I kept praying that it wasn't me passing the baby.. but as I went into my bathroom I was praying that it wasn't because I honestly didn't want to see it. I was hoping that I'd pass it and not see it.. but that wasn't God's plan for me... as I pulled my pants down there was blood everywhere.. I was told to watch for blood clots because if pass my baby so that's what I was doing... I was looking for anything significant when I hear something hit the water in the toilet..... I started to scream and my fiancé woke up he runs in the bathroom and starts to comfort me.... he looks at me and says "it's okay relax, we will get through this" as I pulled my pants back up he then says "I'm going to grab it" I was so scared. I was terrified to see it or touch it. He reaches into the toilet (which had been nothing but water and blood from when it fell in) and he grabs it.. he then places it in his hand and says "look at our beautiful angel" I cried so much hearing him say that. I felt like I failed him & my 4 year old daughter.. but everyone was telling me it's okay to feel angry after a miscarriage. I'm mostly angry at God for taking my baby.. but I know that everything happens for a reason so I shouldn't be angry with him. Sorry if this is too much info... but thank you for your prayers and kind words... I appreciate it 💕 and for those of you lovely ladies who are still pregnant & TTC I'll be praying for you. God bless 💔😞