24w5d Severe Pelvic Pain.

Brittany • wife to henry, mama to norah + chloe

Hiiii ladies. So for the past few weeks I’ve had some minor pelvic discomfort and whatnot but over the course of this past week it’s gotten to the point where I don’t even want to walk. I can’t spread my legs, I can’t step out of the shower, I can’t walk, get dressed, anything without being in some sort of intense pelvic pain. It’s so bad sometimes that I sleep with an ice pack between my thighs on nether region all night! Im leaving Saturday (07/15/17) for Hawaii. If I call my OB tomorrow is there anything they can do or do I just have to tough it out? I really don’t want to be taking Tylenol like candy for the rest of this pregnancy. 😭