Spd problems


Hi there, I'm currently 33 weeks pregnant with my 4th. I've had spd since week 20 of my

Pregnancy and been to physio at the hospital to no avail. It's now really bad as I'm having trouble walking, moving, sleeping it's that painful. I'm reduced to tears at the moment as I'm so exhausted and scared :( I'm being referred again to the hospital to see what else I can do to help. My question is can I induced early with spd? I have a record of big sized babies and my

Last labour was horrid and baby nearly got stuck in my pelvis because he was too big. My baby is measuring big again already. What do I do? Do I push for an induction? Will the midwife refer me to a consultant? Anyone's experience in this would be helpful. I have my appt Tuesday and aiming to ask her then. Thanks xx