Help :(

Ok, so we haven't even started <a href="">fertility treatment</a> and I'm so over this process already 😤 Here's what's going on:

Because of a surgery at a young age, we knew my husband could have troubles getting me pregnant. Since we are now TTC we went to his primary doctor to get a semen analysis and see where we stand exactly and what our options were. The doctor called him back and didn't give us any of the actual numbers or documentation but just said his numbers were extremely low and the sperms' tails and heads were messed up too. He told us that in-vitro probably wouldn't work and our best best would be to look into donors. Since this was only his primary, we asked for a referral to a specialist and they replied by saying they don't give the males referrals - that we'd have to go through my doctor and insurance because I'm the female. That's where we stand right now.

So, I have no idea what my next step is and I'm very worried about the cost because my husband has great insurance and mine is not good. Do I call my doctor first, find out where we'll be going, and what kind of appointment it will be...then call the insurance to see what the cost will be? Or do I do the opposite of that: call my insurance and ask what options we have for fertility treatments....and then get a referral from the doctor?

This is all so much to take in and I have no idea what I'm doing 😥 I don't even know what our next steps are with the cost, let alone physically what we will go through...