Should I leave my baby's father?


First off sorry this turned out to be longer than I had expected but let's get to it…

I am very stuck right now and need some true unbiased advice. So to start off I am vegan and my SO is a meat eater. Based on my research and all the facts I feel that it would be best to not give our son any meat until he can decide for himself. We got in a HUGE argument tonight about it all and it wasn't pretty. After the argument I questioned myself if I can even be with my SO anymore. And I'm not questioning just because of the diet argument, he is always so angry. When he gets home from work it's like no matter what I say he gets mad about something. He also doesn't really help with our son that much and I understand that he works but sometimes I need a break because I have him 24/7. He's even said a few times when I said I needed a break or for him to help "oh well you knew that it would be like this when you got pregnant, you can't have breaks" And I honestly didn't know that things would be like this when we started trying for a baby. He told me how he would play with him and help out with everything. 🙄 Also when he gets home all he wants to do is play on his phone or PS4. Tonight when we were arguing he was screaming and yelling and cussing in from of our baby (he's 6 months) and I was angry too but I wasn't yelling at him because I don't think we should do that in front of the baby because he sensed all the stress and it's just not good but no matter how many times I told him to lower his voice because of the baby he wouldn't listen. It's like he has no respect for me or our son. Idk what to do I'm just really questioning our relationship right now and I need some advice. Also please don't take sides like "oh well you should give your son meat" or anything of that matter. I'm asking for advice on my relationship not me or my sons diet. Thank you in advance.