Summer job/money


A little background: I am 17 years old which mean I can't open a bank account yet.

This summer I went to Minnesota to help out my uncle at his restaurant. When it was time for me to leave he wrote me a check but had to write it out to my mother. When I got back home I right away told my mother to go to the back and cash my check for me. She told me no because it was Sunday and the bank was closed. This was a reasonable excuse so I let it slide. Days later I reminded her to cash my check and each time she told me she would do it the next day and the next day she never did. Now she says that she won't cash my check until I clean my room. I think this is total bs because I worked my ass off for the money written on that check and I shouldn't have to do anything else. I told her that until she goes to the bank my room will stay a mess. Childish I know. She says that I don't need money right now because I still have cash in my pocket. Also bs because if her boss told her he wasn't going to pay her yet because she still had cash she would go berserk. I'm not going to clean a darn thing. I know some people will say I'm immature and you might be right and I might be handling this the wrong way but how would you react if you were a seventeen year old girl with a check for the most money you've ever had in your entire life.