So ecstatic to see these two little lines 🙌🏽!!

It may seem crazy, I know it's just an ovulation stick but when I tell you I haven't seen these two lines in over 6 months...I mean it. These past six months have been full of so many life stressors: the job of my dreams (of three years) shifted to a part-time due to funding, we lost our insurance, my husband's and I vision of purchasing a home crumbled (he's in school- working part-time).

Now, come August he'll be completing his final internship which we're soooo excited for because it's in a field he's always wanted to be a part of but there will be no pay. In hopes to help out financially I had been working to renew my teaching certificate but somehow...for the life of me I couldn't pass the math portion by literally three points.

Somewhere in between the craze...we realized my husband can become a really angry person, which led to marriage counseling... I guess I tend to look at all the ways these six months have been challenging but if I'm honest, Jesus has truly been there for us, sprinkling joy every step of the way.

Our friends invited us into their home, it's been such a gift. We're living within our means and have grown so much closer together these past few months. We joined a Youfit, started a marriage bible study for other young couples and decided regardless of what we have or do not have, a baby will always be a blessing and we have such an incredible support system.

Then yesterday happened, my husband went to the urologist and his doctor was very concerned about a particular vein and the possibility of infertility 😰 (more testing to follow). It was like I became a waterfall. Everything just hit me at once... we do not know our tomorrow, whether things will get better or worsen...but we must never give up!

When I tell you these two little lines changed us- I mean it brought us a tiny dose of hope that'll help us carry on for a little longer 💕.

Future mommies stress can really keep you from ovulating. Try to relax and enjoy whatever life brings your way.

With love,

Hopeful future mommy