Do you sit there and wait for people to leave a parking spot?


So I'm at the grocery store and I just get to my car and am loading my groceries in it. Packs of water, heavy shit, mind you I'm 8 months pregnant so maybe I'm not as fast as I always am but I'm going pretty diligently here. Well this guy pulls up behind me, waiting for me leave so he can take my parking spot. I hate when people do this as it is, and there's another parking spot two cars away put apparently this ones closer and his 25 year old lazy ass can't walk the extra 30 feet it will take to get to the grocery store. Well after about one minute this asshole gets out of his car, screams at me and calls me a bitch cause I'm taking to long. I politely tell him to go fuck himself and now I will sit here until we're both dead because he's not getting my parking spot.

Do you sit there and wait for people to leave their parking spots?

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