What would you do if it was you

Samantha • Aquarious. 21. Add me on insta samanthanicole.smith

Ok, so this girl who I actually used to be best friends with, I being a way better friend than her still have love for the girl today, well had until current event. But before we get to that let me give a little back ground.. so she's 3 years younger than me, she's 15 I'm 18. She lies and ditches me for 3 months to go screw around with the guy I lost my v card too who's 23. Lol anyways so I wasn't mad when she casually told me one day they had been seeing each other for 3 months. I'm not retarded I was still trying to chill it was the lying and ditching that made me upset. She claimed it was to not hurt my feelings she thought I'd me mad. I wasn't though at all not even a little like he litterally was my best friend just as her. But I did tell them i didn't wanna pick a side when the ended or argued so I was gonna do my own thing until I could have both friends again, makes sense I think right ? Anyways she like tweaks and tries fighting me several times and harassing me online. I dropped out of school my senior year becuase of a abusive relationship ( different story) so when I tried going back to school the year after my class graduated she harassed me so bad I stopped going again because I couldn't fight her she was a minor. Right ? Well she tried jumping me after that on halloween. I always would try to get he to stop she threatened to kill me and play jump rope with my intestines.. for what ? So moving on she moved away but is up here now visiting. She's 18 I'm 21 I'm 6 months pregnant. She sees me starts yelling don't look at me I flicked her off she gets out her car tries fighting me. I screamed back ( having all these hormones and her being old enough ) I told that girl come hit me or go home I said I'm pregnant fuck around and go to jail today. Sh got out the car so did I we were about to really fight until my boyfriend ran up and told that bitch to go the fuck home and she did after screaming to me I hope your baby comes out fucking retarded. I wanna kill her with my bare hands. I know she's immature but omfg