Craving alcohol?!?

I'm 35w1d and I am craving a 29° bud light so bad! Even if it's just a sip😩😩! I need it 😞😞
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Posted at
All I want is a margarita! 😫


Family β€’ Jul 16, 2017
I've been sniffing the margarita mix in my cabinet lol


Liz β€’ Jul 16, 2017
omg me too! I've been craving one since about 10 weeks along. I've held out but I told my fiancΓ© that when we leave the hospital I'm getting one before we go home. lol oh and I won't be breastfeeding so thankfully I don't have that to worry about.


Raquel😍 β€’ Jul 16, 2017
Me toooooo!!!! Omg 3 more weeks haha or hopefully less!


Posted at
I've been taking little sips from my husband's. Baby is fine! Lol. This momma is excited to have a drink (or two) again here soon.


Posted at
Sammmmmmeee just a cold IPA or a nice glass of red wine or an ice cold grapefruit beer for the pool ...
Sammmmmmeee just a cold IPA or a nice glass of red wine or an ice cold grapefruit beer for the pool ...


Aricka β€’ Jul 16, 2017


Stephanie β€’ Jul 16, 2017
I want a grapefruit shandy soooooo bad! Haha


Posted at
Ugh the want for a margarita is real!! Or a Red Bull, my bf drinks them all the time and my mouth just waters when I smell it 😩


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I've personally been wanting some margaritas and Hennessy!!!


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i've been sticking up on those freezable drinks for when baby girl gets here. just a few more weeks until sweet freedom!


Heather β€’ Jul 16, 2017
Such a good idea!!!


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I've been wanting a nice glass of pink moscato! Just 6 more weeks to go! Im nervous about drinking after not being able to for so long. Will one glass take me out? or halfπŸ€”πŸ˜‚πŸ˜°


Ch β€’ Jul 16, 2017
lol i know some people do but I feel like I've waited this long & I don't have time for the guilt afterwards. Plus my one glass isn't those 2 little sips of insult they pour at restaurants, its like a HUGE glass lol


Family β€’ Jul 16, 2017
I wish I could tell you my doctor told me to have one but I'm to afraid lol


Posted at
I know! I want a Dos XXs really bad! I only have 2.5 more weeks. I can do this!


Family β€’ Jul 16, 2017
that's actually my beer of choice with lime and salt!!


Posted at
Meeee tooooo! I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty damn excited about the prospect getting closer. 🍻


Heather β€’ Jul 16, 2017
We were grocery shopping yesterday and my husband grabbed a six pack of Angry Orchard and ever so slyly put it in the cart. I just gave him the death stare for a bit until he said, "What? Should I get the 12?" πŸ˜‚


Family β€’ Jul 16, 2017
ah lol!


Posted at
Make your SO have one and take a sip then!


Family β€’ Jul 16, 2017
he doesn't drink 😞 and I'm afraid if I ordered one, I would go overboard πŸ˜”