Kinda long rant, but really looking for suggestions

Any experiences or suggestions of what to do when your husband and you are not growing/changing in the same direction? This isn't all the details of it, of course, but to try to keep it short... My husband and I have been together for 9 years, married 6. When we got together I was 20, he was 22. We partied a lot, went out all the time, but still did stuff by ourselves. As time has gone on "going out" has been less appealing to me. He is naturally just more social than me in general and that's fine. I've never had a problem with us doing our own thing sometimes. We now have a 9.5 month old son. I know it sounds harsh(and I've never said this to him), but I've been so disappointed with how he's been as a dad so far. His priorities are still as they were before. He is always worried he's going to miss something and hangs out with friends in what little free time he has from work. They are my friends, too, but dang. He seems to think our son is still a potato and has some age in his mind when they can "do stuff". I tried telling him his(the baby's) life is happening right now. He's not 6 weeks old anymore. He's very nearly 1. I know he won't necessarily remember things we do, but he is very much aware at this age and doing new things all the time. I may have let motherhood "consume" me and adding a child has been hard on our relationship, as I knew it would be, but I don't think I should have to feel bad for embracing and loving being a parent. He works nights which does not help things at all and maybe things would be different if he didn't, but he seems to be able to muster energy in the daylight to do things with his friends. I'm basically living life alone, which is whatever, but if I'm going to be alone, I'll be alone and not worrying about cleaning up after someone while also working myself. We have discussed all this and it seems to go nowhere.