Having a hard time coping


Found out on Thursday that I had a chemical pregnancy. I had so many positives that is was absolutely insane. When I started bleeding I knew. I didn't need my dr to tell me what was happening. I was crushed. I cried for 3 days and still want to cry. I had gotten dizzy the day before it happened and didn't think twice about it bc I was constantly dizzy with my first pregnancy and she was healthy as could be. But here I am, still trying not to fall apart. My husband is at a loss and doesn't know how to comfort me. I knew I was pregnant before I ever took a test. I knew the minute we conceived. Don't want to leave the house, I just want to sleep. It helps a little that I have a friend who miscarried and got pregnant immediately after. My husband is ready to start trying again since I'm done bleeding. Now I'm terrified of it happening again. Any advice?