
Do they do a full or a partial ultrasound. Someone is pregnant and they claim they only did a partial ultrasound is that true
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I don't know about a partial ultrasound, but the usual from what I understand (I had a very another pregnancy and ended up with 12 ultrasounds) they do a transvaginal ultrasound at or around 8 weeks for dating purposes, then they do an anatomy scan at 18-22 weeks to count body parts, check for abnormalities, gender and what not, and some doctor's do a final "weight check" one at 36+ weeks just to get an idea for size.


This is my circus, those are my monkeys • Jul 17, 2017
all you can do is be there for her even if she isn't pregnant. my iron levels were so low after delivery that i almost had to have a blood transfusion. i haven't heard of it preventing positive tests.


Viktoria • Jul 17, 2017
she says she is a anemic and stuff that's why she testing negative. i think it been 3 months since her ultrasound and no health insurance. she also saying she might be in labor too


This is my circus, those are my monkeys • Jul 17, 2017
my in office urine test came back negative (twice) at just under 8 weeks, but i had 2 positives at home and the transvaginal ultrasound showed a viable pregnancy. i never too another urine test after that, so i don't know how long it would have taken to get a positive with the test they used... the average woman would be showing by now and an ultrasound at this point in her "pregnancy" would be an anatomy scan that actually takes a while because they check for all the organs and that they're in track size wise. you never know though


Posted at
What do you mean partial ultrasound? an ultrasound is an ultrasound. In the U.K. you get two scans one at 12 weeks and one at 20 weeks. My 20 week scan was more in depth and longer as they are checking for abnormalities, sex of baby etc. My 12 week scan was quick as they are determining a pregnancy, heartbeat growing baby etc


Holly • Jul 17, 2017
A partial ultrasound does not exist as explained above


Viktoria • Jul 17, 2017
i think it been a while for her partial ultrasound. its were they barely looked in her uterus. she still testing negative and she due in October


Posted at
I'm not sure how a partial ultrasound would be done. It's easy to find the uterus. Sounds fishy