UPDATE growth scan .... measuring small for 36 weeks


Hi all

Just wondered if anyone else have had to have a growth scan this far into pregnancy?

I saw mw last week and she has referred me for a growth scan which I'm due to have in 2 days.

Long story short I was measuring 32 at 33 so only a week behind but then at 35 weeks measured 32 again so no growth in bump. I feel huge even though everyone thinks I'm small.

Has anyone had a growth scan this late into pregnancy?

What was your baby weighing at this stage as all the apps saying different weights.

Any bump pics welcome.

One in black top was 2 days ago one in white top is this morning x

Thank you ladies


So had growth scan baby is measuring 5lb3oz at 36w2d. In theory seems ok but when put on my personal growth chart which is only based on bump size

they are a little concerned there hasn't been much growth in 3 weeks.

I have to go for another scan in 2 weeks.

Anyone else had this happen
