Surely I'd Have BFP By Now?


Hi all, please give me your opinion here. Been trying since Jan :/ This cycle I O'd on July 2nd. We BD'd on the two days prior and on O day. Got a BFN at 11 DPO. I was surprised by brown spotting the next day at 12 DPO. I often begin spotting about 3-4 days leading into my full-fledged AF, but this was a bit early as I was not due for period until today. The spotting dried up that day and never came back. Weird. I am now 15 DPO and all is quiet. I tested again yesterday afternoon because I was getting annoyed waiting and BFN'd hard. I was holding out hope that the 12 DPO spotting was IB, but surely I would have at least a tiny, tiny something by now right? The past two days I have felt a short of breath (but it has been a million degrees) and I also have had pretty bad loose BMs. Other than that, normal. I think I should probably mentally move on with life -- what would you do? (You can be honest, I just bought some Ben & Jerry's anyway.) Thanks!

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