Worried about my job affecting my baby! Need advice!!

Hi Ladies,

So without giving too much away...I work at a group home for clients with severe trauma histories and sometimes that can make them become very violent towards staff and property. I don't normally work on the floor (directly with the clients) as I am in administration but my week of being on-call is coming up and if there are any holes in the schedule I am expected to come in.

The clients are all aware that I am pregnant and I am showing enough that I can't hide it. They have previously targeted pregnant staff by hitting them in the stomach,etc.

I guess my question is if I call my doctor, do you think they will write me a note to put me on light duty (which will prevent me from having to work the floor). Should I put my foot down with my boss and let them know I cannot put myself or my baby in danger?

Any advice would be great!