Did you get hella emotional before labor?

*disclaimer* I'm totally symptom spotting here. 😅
So I'm 39 weeks today and the last two days I have broken down crying at EVERYTHING. Like, my husband leaving for work makes me cry, not having any berries to eat made me cry, heck... Today I started sobbing because I looked at my husband and just was hit with an overwhelming love and appreciation for him. 
I know a lot of women get emotional when they are pregnant, but I hadn't this entire pregnancy. So, did anyone get crazy emotional in the days leading up to their labor? 
I know technically every day is a day leading up to labor at this point, and I'm not at all trying to make him come "early" because aside from constant puking for the first 4 months this has been the easiest pregnancy ever. I'm 39 weeks pregnant living where the temperature is rarely below 110° during the day and I'm not miserable. I'm a freak of nature. Lol! I'm just curious to see if any of you other ladies have had this happen and found yourselves in labor sooner rather than later. :)