Subchorionic Hematoma


So at 5w1d I had heavy bleeding and persistent cramping all day, I've had a miscarriage before and it was the same level of bleeding so I figured the same was happening again.

Since this was our seventh <a href="">ivf</a> cycle and last transfer I had an ectopic they sent me for a scan yesterday at 5w2d and baby's ok and measuring one day ahead! Sack and yolk where perfect.

Turns out I have a 6cm subchorionic hematoma so bleeding even as heavily is going to be apart of my daily pregnancy. Very scary.

I'm on bed rest so it looks like even this early I'm going to have to leave my job.

I have a scan every week for the next few weeks.

Prayers would be appreciated and if you to have had a subchorionic hematoma then your personal experience would be to x