Labia Surgery


Have any of you had any experience ce with surgery on your labia minora? Mine has always been extra long and hanging since I was young. I was always self conscious about it but it's more uncomfortable than anything. I tuck it in before putting my underwear on so I don't have a bulge but if I'm stretching or exercising it may come untucked and one lip may even hang out my underwear and rub between my legs which is painful and uncomfortable. It hangs really far and the skin is even dark brown and wrinkly(I'm white). I've noticed it getting longer and bigger over the years. I have a boyfriend and I'm not too self conscious with him but I still feel that he doesn't eat me out because my vagina is gross. I don't blame him I wouldn't want to eat me out either. I really don't think he cares but there's that self conscious part of me blaming it on how it looks down there. I'm 20. I'm in no shape anytime soon to be able to afford a labiaplasty surgery and I want to know some other people experiences before saving up the money and considering this. I'm not going to change my mind most likely, I really want something done about the length.