I want this baby OUT.

I'm 37 weeks. I'm so sick of being pregnant. My husband makes me do everything on my own. Things he should help with. Or at least WANT to help with. We just installed the car seat and he kept climbing on top of the base to tighten it and I told him he was going to break it and to get off of it. (I installed the thing before he would even come to the car to help tighten it) so he then got pissed and told me to figure it out myself and walked off. I'm not very strong so tightening that stupid thing was ridiculous. I put together our crib the bassinet our rock and play etc. he doesn't give two sh!t$ about this kid. And he's the one that wanted a baby. I'm just so ready for this all to be over so I can work again and get a divorce. I can't leave him right now because I'm too close to my due date and we live 7 hours from family. He tells me if I leave him that it's "my problem". Idk just had to rant because I literally have no one at all. Sick of this childish person he's changed into over the last year and a half. I punched a wall I was so mad just now. (I do not hit him at all. Punching a wall is my way of getting my anger out without hurting anyone. I do not punch hard enough to hurt the wall either). I just wish this baby would be born already. I want my body back. And I want to be able to work and provide for myself.