Calling all experienced Moms: Please read this description and tell me if it's normal for a 6 month old or if I should have her pediatrician see her...


My 6 month old daughter, my first born, has been a fussy baby since birth. Doctors have always told me it's normal. My best guess was it was tummy issues. I exclusively breastfeed so I consulted professionals and they recommended I try going dairy-free, correct any hindmilk-foremild imbalances, burp really well, and ask my ped about reflux. Nothing helped but we also never tried medications only elevating her head when she lays down. She constantly wants to be held... I understand people say that's normal but this is honestly I can't have her in her lay down or in a walker or anything for longer than 5 min unless I'm constantly interacting. There's literally no time for me to eat or do dishes or any normal day to day thing. She also hates the car and screams if she's in there so I can't go to town. Idk what to do. If this is normal then I'll put on my brave face and continue trucking through but if it's not I'd feel horrible if there was actually something wrong and I did nothing. Somebody help me please. Ay advice is appreciated but I don't want to hear that parenting is just hard because OBVIOUSLY I KNOW THAT...

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