Serbrina & Joey's Road to IVF

Serbrina • Married June 23, 2012, been TTC since we got married. Had a misscarraige 2/23/2015, trying not to give up hope.

Serbrina & Joey's Road To <a href="">IVF</a>

Hello my name is Serbrina. My husband Joey and I have been married going on 5 years this June. A few months after we got married in 2012 we decided to finally start our family. I knew I had fibroid tumors when starting the process, but my doctor said they were small and would not affect us getting pregnant. We tried for months and months turned into years. Finally on February 20, 2015 we got a positive pregnancy test, we were beyond excited. I confirmed it that day with my doctor after work. Our happiness was short lived because that Monday we miscarried. After the miscarriage I noticed my lower stomach was getting bigger. I went to my OBGYN and he told me it was a fibroid that grew larger. Because of the size he told me the best way to get rid of it was to have surgery, a myomectomy. I scheduled the surgery for December 29, 2016. I was excited and nervous at the same time. Excited because once the fibroid was out we could finally start our family, and I was nervous because, well it's surgery. On December 29 I went in for my surgery at 5:30am in the morning. My mom and Joey were right there by my side. When I woke up there were doctors and nurses all around me. There was a tube down my throat, I couldn't move my arms or legs, I was so scared. A nurse put some medication in my IV and then I was able to move my arms and legs. I still had the tube in my throat so I couldn't talk, but I was still trying to ask my mom what happened, she told me everything is fine. Then they took the tube that was in my throat out. I then realized I was in the ICU and I knew everything wasn't fine. I asked my mom and Joey again what happened. With much hesitation and tears falling down from their eyes they told me the doctor had to remove 13 fibroids from me with one being so large that when removed I kept bleeding internally into my abdominal cavity. I lost so much blood, I had to receive a blood transfusion of 9 units which equates to a three liter bottle, so about ¾ of the blood that a human body contains and with that they also had to remove my uterus to stop the internal bleeding and to save my life. When they were telling me this I just broke down, I couldn't believe this had happened, all Joey and myself wanted was to have a child and start our family. After they got me to calm down they told me the doctor saved my fallopian tubes and my cervix, still giving us the chance to have biological children with a surrogate. But the thought of me not being able to carry my own children broke my heart and it still breaks my heart to this day. We have amazing friends and family that came by the hospital, sent well wishes and prayed for us. We even had friends and family offer to carry for us And that means the world to us that people would not only open their heart but their body as well. We have a really good family friend (well she's more like family) that is going to carry for us, but we still need to do <a href="">IVF</a> and freeze my eggs. With this being said, we are asking for donations to equate $20,000 dollars to cover the cost of <a href="">IVF</a>, egg and sperm retrieval, and medications. Anything will help, and we appreciate everyone who took the time to read this and to those who donate. I would just like to say The journey and path that God has put us on will only make us stronger. I know natural birth is not in the picture for us anymore which is very saddening but I have hope and believe in God and with that we will work our hardest to ensure this new path comes to light. Also, Joey and I will be updating our story when we start going through the motions to create a little bundle of joy up to the day of birth and further. Again, thank you everyone for reading our story and have a very blessed day.    

Thank you,  

Serbrina & Joey