Weaning off pacifier?


Any moms have helpful tips for taking the paci away? My girl just turned 16months and only uses it in the car and when sleeping. Sometimes she's ok in the car without it, other times she screams bloody murder the entire time if she doesn't have it. I really don't care about nap time but what really kills me is if she loses it in the middle of the night. It happens usually every night... she loses it and I go in her room, give it back and she is good for the rest of the night. I have tried just letting her cry but she gets hysterical and then she's totally awake, standing up in her crib and I end up doing a lot more work to get her to back to sleep! We are expecting our second daughter any day now and I would really like to get this resolved soon since I will be sleep deprived from the newborn 😩