Need advice.... freaking out...


I was going through my reports and US images last night and one of the image at 20 week anatomy scan looks like baby has a cleft lips and palate... I freaked out completely... I went through the whole report and it says "no obvious anomaly"... I googled images and it looked similar... I just couldn't sleep all night...

I called the doctor who did my US first thing in the morning and asked him if they checked for cleft lips and palate... he told me they did and If they had found something it would be mentioned on the reports... he also assured me that the accuracy of finding a cleft lips on 3D scan is over 90% and little lesser for just palate cases... there is nothing mentioned on the reports and I have had loads of abdominal fat with me being heavy before pregnancy...

But I am still worried... should I be assured that there is nothing on the report and I know he and my husband did see the full face of the baby during the scan, I couldn't from the angle the monitor was hung...

I am just so worried..😫