Possible heart defect of our baby boy


Really need advice and support!

I am almost 21 weeks and at our 20 week scan our little boy was being stubborn at the ultrasound ( he does this every time!) and wouldn't give us a good picture of his face and heart. I tried walking and stretching and still nothing. Our nurse called to talk about the ultrasound and said everything looks good but they saw a bright spot on his heart. She said it's most likely calcification and will go away. I told her the technician asked us to come back for a better image and she said great we will talk after that. We came back a few days later and we saw the bright spot on his heart but the technician wouldn't tell us anything. She did show me all four chambers of his heart so I felt good.

Turns out our doctor just called, not the nurse like usual so I already knew this wasn't a good sign, and said that they want us to come in for a level 2 ultrasound at the hospital bc the right side of his heart is smaller than the left and that the bright spot is on the left side of his heart. I'm waiting for the hospital to call back to schedule us in for the testing. All the research I do that links to the right side being under developed is Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome. It's a very rare heart condition that requires 3 sets of heart surgeries and eventually a heart transplant just to live to 30 years old.

I'm holding back tears writing this. You never think it will happen to you. We tried for so long to have him. We're praying that he was just in a bad position or it's something very, very simple. Has anyone had experience with this or it turned out to be nothing for them?

Please pray for our little boy, Jaxton💙