I feel all alone.

Today my fiancé contacted this old friend of his. They fell apart for many reasons. He's currently living in skit row (a street in LA where homeless people live) and although I feel bad for this, I feel like he puts himself in these kind of situations. Him and his girlfriend are always off and on. It's a roller coaster. So after my fiancé sent me a picture of them together I was pretty shocked. My fiancé didn't get home today until 9pm and I knew it was because he was with him. My fiancés mother told me to be calm and that he hadn't seen this friend in a long time. So I tried keeping it cool until my fiancé said he offered this guy our trailer in the back. The trailer has no restroom and no shower. Meaning the only access to that will be our bathroom. This really upset as he didn't discuss this with me. When I told him this he said I should have his back instead of bitching. I told him how could I have his back if we are suppose to be a team instead he is making his own decisions. He then proceeded to say I should talk to my doctor and schedule my appointment with my therapist as soon as possible. (I have depression, very mild though) I told him this had nothing to do with my depression and that I was upset that I was not included in this decision. This is my house too. Now he's not talking to me and he's ignoring me because apparently it's my fault.... he's now in his daughters room with his other soon and I'm in the living by myself with our 7 month old. a m I wrong?