How do you deal with your MIL?? (Read Description)


Hey guys 👋🏻 So I'm kinda curious about how you all handle things with your MIL or In-laws just in general... I'll give an example...

my daughter is 7 months old and loooveees to touch everything and put everything in her mouth. She likes to grab at my phone or my glasses but I always try to make a point of not allowing her to have these items. Boyfriend agrees. However MIL has given her cell phone to my daughter who then puts it in her mouth. I'd really like to say something along the lines of "I'd appreciate if you didn't let Hayley play with your phone," but our relationship is already somewhat... difficult. I'm considering mentioning it to BF and hoping he will talk to MIL.

Just curious how you ladies deal/have delt with situations like these!!

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