Low iron levels? Easy delivery?


My iron levels are at 9.3 (very low) and my high risk doctor was basically telling me about blood transfusions during birth and putting it into my head that I can bleed out. She said "its very critical and can go very bad" I'm taking geritol liquid to raise them up but to be honest I haven't taken it in two days just cause I've been so busy I forget. I'm due in about 2 weeks and I'm terrified something will go wrong. Have any of you had low levels like mine and had a fine delivery? Please share your stories.

I'm going to get back on track on taking the geritol

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my levels were always at 9.2 and when i delivered they were 9.4. I delivered my baby vaginally at 41weeks 5days. there is a concern with it happening but I think she is just trying to inform you of the risk. now if she is trying to push for a csection you should weigh your options because you lose just as much blood during that as well. .............here is what helped during my pregnancy. I took an iron supplement 12 hours after taking my prenatal. I took it three hours after eating and with a big glass of orange juice. It brought my iron levels up a lot. But my iron would still drop back off. I also suggest making a smoothie. I do one cup of spinach, 1 cup of Apple juice and a banana (or 1 cup of some fruit). you can't taste the spinach at all and It's so good for your iron. your doctor should also try and keep that baby in for as long as it wants to stay in as long as y'all are both healthy to help try and get your iron as high as possible.


Tiffany • Jul 20, 2017
Thank you for this! I will definitely try the smoothie today!!


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Towards the end of my pregnancy my iron was low as well (I'm not sure what the number was). I was not prescribed anything but we did briefly discuss blood transfusions. When I went into labour they took my blood at the hospital, I'm not sure if they were testing the iron but I was fine to give birth naturally. I had an amazing birth and would do it again in a heartbeat. I was also offered a shot of pitocin AFTER I gave birth to help push out the placenta quicker which helps prevent a lot of blood loss, you could ask about that.


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I don't have any experience with it, I'm currently pregnant with my first, but if the doctor told you that you could bleed out I would definitely make sure I didn't skip any of the meds to raise your levels! Set an alarm if you have to, or just take t when you take your prenatals. I'm sure they will do everything they can during your labor to make sure you're okay! Good luck!