My fiancé might miss our son's birth for work-how would you feel??

Lauren • Jersey Mama to Faith 💖 Asher 💙 and Hudson 💙

So I'm 38 weeks pregnant so we're at the point of "any day now" I could go into labor. My fiancé is a salesman and doesn't get a regular salary. He told me yesterday that he has a lot of work appointments this week and next week and he cannot afford to miss any of them or he wont make quota for the month which will be a big financial hit. Basically he said if the baby comes at night or on a weekend he'll be able to be with me. But if the baby comes during the day or afternoon during the week he cant be there. I said wait a minute-so you can't reschedule the appts with a very understandable reason of "my fiancé is in labor and I need to get to the hospital"? He said if he rescheduled then he wouldn't get paid what he needs to and we'd struggle a lot next month. He also said he talked to his boss and I guess the boss wasn't very understanding because he said that he wasn't there the whole time for his wife when she had their baby. I guess according to my fiancé, the boss felt like it wasn't a big deal if my fiancé couldn't be there. We all know that babies come when they want to. My fiancé said while if it was time to go to the hospital and he was home he would take me, he'd leave to go to work still if I hadn't had the baby yet. I don't even know how to feel. I'm upset and disappointed but at the same time I don't want us to have to struggle because he had to miss work. I didn't think one day of missing work or even just a half day would mess up everything so much. So I may or may not have my fiancé in the room with me. Do you think it's understandable or should I be mad as hell that he can't spare one day to be there for his son's birth??