One day period?

So I have PCOS, two years ago I got off the pill to see where my body was at and basically to start the TTC process, though it was more preparation and trying to get my body ready than actively TTC.

For the first 6 months my period came every other month like clockwork, and then slowed down to every 4-6 months. I pretty much anticipated that and have been losing weight etc and am planning on talking to my doctor as we are getting closer to reaaaallly wanting kids.

Well, I haven't had my period in 4 months and this week I got it, but just for one day? I'm traveling so I've been incredibly active/stressed but even with PCOS I've never only gotten it for one day.

Any thoughts? Is this just another downside of PCOS...or?

(Staying anonymous because friends/family are on here and don't yet know we are TTC.)