Fried Green Tomatoes

Kendra • Find your own happiness. Don't do what others expect of you. ~Baby Dust~
So my husband apparently likes sugar on his fried green tomatoes. His entire family does and I think that's absolutely disgusting. I generously season my tomatoes and flavor them to where they need nothing. I see it as an insult to my cooking to try to cover up the flavor in my tomatoes. Its like putting sauce on steak! Total insult but I don't say anything because "its tradition". My tomatoes have won two county fair awards. They are a secret recipe that I came up with on my own. I made my husband try them without sugar and he says it tastes better that way but he still puts sugar on them. Also fried green tomatoes are supposed to be savory not sweet. Ugh idk. How do you like your fgts? My family uses ranch on plain ones but I don't like ranch and if I make my tomatoes they don't put anything on them. People love them. I just don't understand covering up the flavor of something good. Anyways I know im being hormonal over it but for do you like your tomatoes? Do you have a special recipe? Have you ever tried them? Answer below!

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