Girlfriends/Wives with husbands or boyfriends who suffer from PTSD.


My DH spent time in the Navy 9 years overseas as a Leutenant, alot of what hes done is classified so I cannot go into specifics, but his past haunts him horribly.

Hes gotten help with medication and counseling, but it turned him into a zombie with all of the medication to the point he couldnt work and was actually bed ridden and became even more severely depressed. The nightmares were nightly, and hed wake up screaming "Medic!" or "Dont go in there!" Hed wake up sweaty, his eyes almost as wide as golf balls as if he was literally going insane on the inside.

These past few years have gotten better, but worse in other ways. The nightmares have completely dissapeared! Hes no longer on meds and has a great job amd worls his ass off to help support our family. BUT, he now drinks everynight as he says " its to help keep his demons under control." About a year ago he started to become violent with his drinking which almost ended us.

Even though hes no longer violent after he woke the next morning sober and had seen what he had done to me. Hes never touched me again.....BUT hes now emotionally inept...he cannot show emotions, affection unless hes had atleast 1 drink, or the whole bottle....I guess it has gotten me to the point I feel lonely, unloved, unwanted and unnatractive most I feel he only wants me or loves me when hes drinking. Its been a while since we've actually..."made love" to one another. Yes we have sex...but its not

Emotionally tied, passionate or intense anymore when we used to be that way atleast once a week.

I dont know, i guess im just wanting to share my story and hears others who are or have delt with similar situations with their SO who also suffers from PTSD, or if being overseas have changed them dramatically....into a totally different person...

Thanks for listening.....