Work Question.

I need some advice.

I start my new job on July 31st. I just found out I am 7 weeks pregnant. I took a test on my last day of work at my other job.

I called & tried making an appointment for this coming week, but we moved 3 hours away for this job & the new hospital I will be working for don't accept my insurance so they made me wait until my new insurance kicks in. It kicks in on August 1st.

They made my appointment the latest they could make, at 4pm.

My hours for now are 8-5. I haven't told my new employers yet about the pregnancy because I want to wait until I'm 12 weeks.

What should I do? Or how do I go about taking off earlier for the appointment?

(Small backstory. I worked for UNC Hospital & I transferred to an affiliated hospital with UNC. But since we don't own the hospital yet, I lost all of my previous benefits / PTO. In a way, it's a transferred. In a way, it's not.)