Son's second birthday.

Nataile • Married💍👫 Mummy of 6 👦🏼Nolan Morgan - 9 years 👦🏻Niall Seth - 7 years 👼🏼Elias James - July 31 - August 3, 2015 👶🏼Noah Xavier - 2 years 👼🏼Esmè Lauren - October 14, 2016 - January 22, 2017 🌈👶🏼Eddie Reign - 3 weeks old

My baby Elias-James will be turning 2 on July 31st, which is also my birthday.

Elias lived for 3 days.

My husband and I have 5 children together including Elias.

Our eldest is 8 our youngest would be 9 months old.

We are unsure on how to celebrate his birthday, as it's a rather difficult day for us, and then we have to encounter that he lived for such a short while.

Elias has a twin brother, Noah.

Noah was born 3 weeks after Elias because my labour stopped totally which was a shock to myself and the hospital, they said it's happened before.

Noah and Elias are fraternal twins, which apparently was a reason to why Elias made his appearance at 25 weeks.

Last year for Elias' first birthday his headstone was erected which was bittersweet as it's all I wanted for him, we also let off balloons for him too.

I want to make it a family tradition to celebrating Elias' birthday, as it's in a week today and my mind is totally blank on how to go about it, I would really appreciate a little help